The new workforce demands:
- Leadership that can manage diverse teams in remote, in-person and hybrid environments
- Leadership that can properly care for the psychological and emotional well-being of direct reports
First-line and mid-level managers comprise the biggest number of management staff and are your first line for efficiency, employee retention and job satisfaction. Are your leaders ready for the new work environment?
Train your talented workforce with our rigorous and immersive workshops in a collaborative and hands-on experience to develop the skills that the post-Covid new normal demands.
Empower first-line and mid-level managers to:
- Communicate clearly and persuasively
- Run well-organized teams
- Demand and expect accountability while fostering loyalty
- Proactively care for their team’s mental health and emotional well-being
- Manage groups dispersed in remote (home), in-person (Office) and hybrid environments
- Manage multicultural groups
Contact us now!
There is a big number of well educated and capable employees that will be passed for promotion this year just because they lack social or leadership skills, including a 9% of the workforce estimated to be affected by social anxiety disorder*
They will see with concern how their peers get promoted but they are skipped, missing out on using their talents in engaging projects and limiting their career-length income. Disillusioned, they will quietly withdraw after a few years.
Instead, make sure to send them to our outstanding programs and we will return the engaging and assertive leaders that you need. Our results are exceptional and cost effective but, most importantly, this talented group will appreciate the opportunity given, will warm at the trust placed on them implicit in your decision to pay for their training, will enjoy the power provided by their new communication skills and the confidence given by their new ability to transcend emotional barriers and will begin to visualize a path of growth inside your organization. In return, you will gain the most loyal managers that you could ever want.
Our advanced training programs empower first-line and mid-level managers to communicate clearly and persuasively, give them the skills to transform a group of people into well-organized teams, help them form alliances with providers, lure investors, inspire loyalty from direct reports and manage multicultural groups in decentralized environments.
Our teaching methodologies and program contents are based on state-of-the-art developments in the behavioral sciences that inform not only on the psychology of the audience, of employees and of social interaction dynamics but also on how to dismantle self barriers to a flawless performance.
Let us train your talented workforce with our rigorous, immersive and hands-on workshops to develop the skills that managers need for this post-Covid new normal.
Contact us now and start building your next-gen crop of outstanding managers.
Our program on Leadership Skills for Prospective Managers is a one-of-a-kind learning experience. It's highly interactive, enjoyable and effective and you can measure changes from day one. Our teaching methodologies and program contents are based on advanced psychological models of social interaction, communication, cognitive processing and performance acquisition.
The program combines in-depth instruction and coaching, role playing, practical exercises, videotaped drills, mental awareness mapping, powerful anxiety-eliminating techniques and a practical knowledge of the Psychology of Communication to radiate confidence and compel others with eloquent thoughts and a mesmerizing vision. Results are quantifiable, immediate and spectacular.
And comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!
The Great Resignation Has Created the Need for a New Kind of Leadership. Are Your Prospective Managers Ready?
People are now mindful of workplace culture and prefer to stay in companies that favor flexibility and nurture well-being.
A big percentage of Millenials and Gen-Zers favor working from home and see quality of life as more important than loyalty to their company. How do you retain them?
New managers are needed that can successfully create these environments, organize their teams in non-centralized locations, foster cooperation, creativity and compliance in culturally diverse groups, lure investors, inspire boards and negotiate with providers while cultivating strong alliances.
All the while, you need to fill new managerial positions but find that candidates lack fundamental social and leadership skills, forcing your hand to the very unpopular and expensive option to fill those positions from outside.
After speaking with numerous business insiders, we have developed an updated program on leadership skills for prospective managers. With this program, you will be able to procure the best low and mid level managers from within, augment company loyalty and develop highly effective production units.
Our curriculum for post-covid Millenial and Gen-Z managers is based on four fundamental pillars :
- Commanding Group Communications
- The Online Manager
- Problem Solving Within Corporate Structure
- The Psychology of Leadership
You need managers that can:
- Transform a group of people into a well organized team,
- Inspire and draw loyalty from their direct reports,
- Efficiently manage multicultural groups in decentralized environments and
- Cultivate successful relationships with customers and providers.
You need managers that can do all the previous both on-line and in-person.
You already have the people. Let us train them into the most compelling leaders.