The Online Manager

zoom meeting and coffe

Video conferencing was becoming an important new tool even before COVID-19 forced its adoption and threw it at the center of corporate work. Companies and employees discovered how convenient it can be, saving time and reducing the need for office space. In fact, many Millenial workers don’t want to give it up.

But many fear that video conferencing can affect productivity. That a collection of stamp-sized talking heads and just more dreaded power point presentations lack the gravitas and urgency of an in-person meeting, and make it more difficult to detect those subtle behavioral cues that show that not every person in the meeting is on board with its resolutions.

Our workshop will train your managers to actively engage and involve the group and develop stronger, more sustainable relationships while requiring accountability from them. They will learn how to communicate with this audiovisual medium in a way that:

Attention, comprehension, persuasion and group dynamics have long been studied by Psychology and the behavioral sciences and it is now time that you use this knowledge to your advantage in training the managers that you need.



The Online Manager.


8 weeknights (Mon-Thurs)


Hands-on immersion with theoretical background.

Number of Participants:

9 – 12.



Entry Level Behaviors:

By invitation only. Students must have satisfactorily completed the Commanding Group Communication workshop.

General Objective:

At the end of the workshop students should be able to design and perform effective and efficient presentations on-line aided by visual and/or audiovisual elements and critically appraise their work.

Specific Objectives:


Participants will be assessed by the progress in their performance based on a standard protocol.

Contact us and register today!
